Man Hand-Chops Over 120 Bricks In A Row

Man Hand-Chops Over 120 Bricks In A Row

Presumably training to take down that wall behind him, this is a video of a man chopping over 120 bricks in a row using only his hand and a short concrete wall. Like the Energizer bunny, he just keeps going. Me? I would have stopped after just a few. “I’ll finish the rest tomorrow,” I imagine telling myself, just as I’ve told myself at the beginning of every unfinished project in my life.

Cat Makes Sure Nobody Is Looking, Eats With Hands

Cat Makes Sure Nobody Is Looking, Eats With Hands

This is a video of a cat making sure the coast is clear before taking a break from from being a feline to eat with its hands. Unfortunately for it (but great for us), it’s unfamiliar with the video camera integrated into its feeding station and was filmed in the process. Busted! It’s like when my girlfriend accuses me of eating the piece of cake she was saving and I lie knowing good and well the living room security camera captures the kitchen. Plus, you know, there’s nobody else to have eaten the cake, and I’m a well-documented glutton.

Thanks to JustA, who agrees sometimes you just need to let loose.

Cat And Hamster Devouring Gourmet Meal As Viewed From Beneath Glass Coffee Table

Cat And Hamster Devouring Gourmet Meal As Viewed From Beneath Glass Coffee Table

This is a video of a fluffy white cat and fluffy white hamster being treated to a gourmet meal of fish and shrimp and other niblets atop a glass coffee table, and being filmed from below. Just look at all those little toe pads! Surprisingly, the cat spends most of its time gnawing on that one piece of sushi while the hamster mops up almost everything else. Thank goodness nobody has thought to film me devouring a meal from below the table. “I’m never eating again,” and “Two forks down,” I imagine even the most positive movie reviewers reporting.

Video Proof Wu-Tang Is For The Children

Video Proof Wu-Tang Is For The Children

This is a video of a father proving that Wu-Tang is in fact for the children by singing a radio-friendly version of ‘Triumph’ to his kids at the dinner table. Or maybe that’s the breakfast table. Whatever the case, I still remember when the Wu-Tang double CD came out in ’97. And, just like RZA claims at the end of ‘Bells Of War’, it really was all the education I needed. Not just for the year, but my entire life. “I was wondering about your WWWTD bracelet.” It guides me, like a lightsaber through the darkness.

Thanks to JustA, who agrees Wu-Tang is ageless.

13-Year Old Bat Dog Retrieves Final Bat Before Retirement, Replacement Poops On Field

13-Year Old Bat Dog Retrieves Final Bat Before Retirement, Replacement Poops On Field

This is a video of 13-year old Layla retrieving the last bat of her career with the Clearwater Threshers (a Minor League affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies). Layla has retrieved bats for the team for the past six years, after her owner trained her to fetch beer from the fridge and realized she could probably be trained to fetch other things, teaching her how to retrieve bats at local baseball fields. While preparing for retirement Layla trained her replacement, her little sister Lucy May, who successfully caught a case of the zoomies and pooped on the infield behind the pitcher during her first shift. Admittedly, I’ve had far worse first shifts as far as pooping goes.

Keep going for videos of both Layla’s last bat retrieval, and Lucy May’s first Minor League ground out.

Stone Crab Steals Diver’s Camera

Stone Crab Steals Diver's Camera

This is a short video of a stone crab “stealing” diver Duran Roberts’s camera in The Bahamas and trying to make a run scuttle for it. It then attempts to fight Duran for the camera when he tries to take it back. But was the camera actually stolen, or did Duran give it to the crab? Because as much as I would love to live in a world where thieving crab gangs steal people’s valuables and sell them on Bikini Bottom’s black market, based on the video starting after the crab already has the camera and people’s compulsion to lie on the internet to make things seem wilder than they really were, I have no choice but to suspect the latter. #releasethetape #herculesdisappointed

Thanks to JustA, who agrees as far as the oceanic blackmarket goes, octopuses always have the best stuff.