Holy Smokes!: This Entirely Edible Gingerbread Venom Bust

Holy Smokes!: This Entirely Edible Gingerbread Venom Bust

This is the gingerbread Venom bust created by Norwegian gingerbread artist Caroline Eriksson. As you can see, it’s totally nuts. Some more info from Caroline while I try to take a selfie tongue-kissing the thing without breaking it:

Finished my gingerbread symbiote bust after a couple of weeks and a gazillion hours! I tried out a gingerbread “clay” recipe for this which actually allows for sculpting in a more traditional way, amazing!! Everything except the base is edible – the drool is made of isomalt and piping gel, and it is airbrushed with edible colours..

But how does it taste? Because I remember as a kid we’d make gingerbread cookies to hang on the Christmas tree as ornaments and my little sister would still be sneaking them off the tree and eating them like mid-January. Haha — isn’t that right, Becky? She’s also been known to eat Santa’s cookies!

Keep going for several more shots and an Instagram video.

Compilation Video Of Crushing Various Objects Encased In Jell-O In A Fast Shredder

Compilation Video Of Crushing Various Objects Encased In Jell-O In A Fast Shredder

This is a rather satisfying, possibly ASMR video of Youtuber Gojzer crushing a variety of different objects both in regular form and encased in Jell-O, using a fast shredder. The sound that Jell-O makes reminds me of of when I used to squish it in-between my teeth as a kid. I mean I still try to do it now but it just isn’t the same since my teeth look like Gollum’s because, as my dentist put it, “Holy shit!” and “What have you done?!” and “I just saw you not even a month ago!” and I have to explain a bet is a bet and Pop Rocks don’t have shit on firecrackers.

Wow: Cake Artist’s Hyperrealistic Egg McMuffin Cake

Wow: Cake Artist's Hyperrealistic Egg McMuffin Cake

This is a video of Natalie Sideserf of Sideserf Cake Studio walking us through her process of creating a life-size, hyperrealistic McDonald’s Egg McMuffin cake. Clearly, Natalie has the skills to pay the bills. Hopefully mine, because my water is getting cut off on Friday and I lost One-Eyed Willie’s treasure map, so a Goonies adventure is out of the question. “Goonies never say die.” Haha, this one does, A LOT. “But down here, it’s our time. It’s our time down here. That’s all over the second we ride up Troy’s bucket.” Oh my God you’re a genius. “What?” I’ll raid a wishing well so I can– “Buy beer instead of paying your water bill!” It’s too dangerous to shower when I’m drunk anyways.

But What About Your Wings?: Chemist Finds Way To Decaffeinate His RedBull

But What About Your Wings?: Chemist Finds Way To Decaffeinate His RedBull

Seen here looking like a man who’s no stranger to questioning what he just drank, this is a video of chemist and Youtuber NileRed discussing and experimenting with ways to remove caffeine from RedBull because, and I quote, “For as long as I can remember I’ve always been a big fan of energy drinks, but maybe surprisingly it’s not even for the caffeine. I just like the weird chemical taste that they have, and for some reason I’ve always liked RedBull the most. My only issue is that I think I’m a bit sensitive to caffeine and if I ever have one later than like, 4PM it makes it almost impossible to fall asleep. So for years I’ve wanted them to make a caffeine-free RedBull…” Obviously, I think I speak for almost the entire rest of the world when I saw you’re the only one, and for someone who loves the chemical taste of energy drinks so much, just drinking regular unleaded is far more economical. Back me up, Optimus! “Shit’s gooooood.” Heck yeah, now let’s hit the truck stop so I can buy novelty condoms out of the bathroom vending machine!

Problem Solving: Pulling Lawn Mower Behind Car To Mow Lot

Problem Solving: Pulling Lawn Mower Behind Car To Mow Lot

This is a very short video from– “Let me guess, Florida.” Haha, nine out of ten times absolutely, but not today. This is a video from Lakeside, Texas of a Mercedes SUV towing a push lawnmower behind it (effectively making it a pull mower) to do what will unquestionably be a very poor job cutting the grass in am empty lot. Some more info from the person filming:

“I was riding in the car with my mother in law and we saw this guy pulling his push-mower with his car. It was 100 degrees in Texas that day, so not a bad idea. The two voices you hear speaking are my mother in law and my husband on the phone with each other.”

Hahaha, “It was 100 degrees in Texas that day, so not a bad idea.” But I think we can agree it wasn’t a good idea either. A good idea would have been paying somebody to properly mow the lot for you. Unless — UNLESS — this IS the person that was hired, in which case I have to admire their unique brand of lackadaisical entrepreneurial spirit.

Boston Dynamics Spot Robot Wearing A Rubber Horse Head Mask

Boston Dynamics Spot Robot Wearing A Rubber Horse Head Mask

This is a video of one of Boston Dynamics’ Spot quadruped robots with a custom pink paint job and wearing a rubber horse head mask. Is this really the best use of a $75,000 robot? Some would argue not, but those people would be wrong and giving this robot entirely too much credit. “What are you talking about, it’s functional applications are practically limitless.” It’s a $75,000 clown that can’t even twist balloon animals!