Whoa: Flying Snake Launches Itself 30-Feet From Tree Branch

This is a short video of a paradise tree snake (Chrysopelea paradisi) with strips of reflective tape around its body launching itself off a tree branch and traveling some 30-feet horizontally while in the air, thanks to a complex series of undulations. Some more info while I undulate all sexy-like until my girlfriend asks me to work from the basement for the rest of the day:
To record the snakes’ twists and turns, Yeaton, then at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, and colleagues affixed reflective tape on the snakes’ backs and used high-speed cameras to capture the motion.
Physicists had previously discovered that the tree snakes flatten their bodies as they leap, generating lift. The new experiment reveals that the snakes also exert a complex combination of movements as they soar. Gliding snakes undulate their bodies both side to side and up and down, the researchers found, and move their tails above and below the level of their heads.
I like the guy whose job it is to run out and collect the snake after it jumps. I wonder if that’s an honor or a short straw situation. Regardless, it’s crazy to think that snakes aren’t on a plane — snakes are planes. Dum dum dum! “It’s like you actually try to get dumber every day.” I don’t try, it’s just a natural byproduct of my live fast, die young, don’t even leave a corpse because I blew up so completely in a jet-powered car jump lifestyle.
Alien!: Woman Returns To Apartment After Quarantining To Find Sprouted Bag Of Potatoes

These are a few shots of the aftermath of student Donna Porée returning to her near-university apartment after quarantining with her husband for three months. As you can see, the bag of potatoes she forgot about decided to try to claim the place, squatter’s rights style, even powering their way through the shelving joints. You know, potatoes have eyes, which is exactly why you should never– “Bend over naked in the kitchen.” Okay I was going to say unlock your phone where they can see it, but your dinner parties sound wild. Those potato tentacles though — freaky deaky. And, in the famous words of Jurassic Park’s Dr. Ian Malcolm– “That is one big pile of shit.” Okay this time I was looking for ‘Life, uh, finds a way.’ Wow, zero for two today, you know maybe you should just sit out the rest of the game, have some orange slices.
Thanks to my buddy Closet Nerd, who agrees you should never tell secrets in the kitchen either because the corn have ears.
There Can Be Only One: Bear Vs Bear-Proofed Garbage Can

This is a video from a homeowner in Juneau, Alaska of a bear attempting to open a garbage can that has been bear-proofed with a chain lock. The homeowner said that, despite the bear’s best efforts, it abandoned its would-be trash dinner and returned to the woods after a few minutes. Of course a smarter bear would just hidden near the trash and waited for it to be reopened, then pounced. But the smartest bear would have dressed up like a garbage man and scolded the homeowners for locking their trashcans in the first place and demanded they be unlocked this instant.
Trailers Are Tricky: Man Consistently Failing To Navigate Boat Ramp

This is a video of a man trying to back his SUV down the boat ramp at the lake and repeatedly jack-knifing the trailer with some classic panic and oversteer maneuvers. For reference, this is not how you do it. Still, if you were wondering what this woman’s husband was doing while she was driving around in circles at the gas station trying to make her gas tank switch sides, the answer is he was, and probably still is, trying to get his boat out of the water.
Thanks to Ronnie, who agrees that boat trailers, and boats, aren’t for everyone.
‘Raccoon Whisperer’ Feeding A Bunch Of Local Raccoons From His Hot Dog Bucket

These are a couple delightful videos of self-proclaimed Raccoon Whisperer Jim Blackwood feeding some of the raccoons in his neighborhood from a bucket of hot dogs. Man, add some ketchup and relish to that buffet and I can be there tonight. Per some delightful Youtube commenters:
100 years from now the raccoons in those parts will still be talking about Jim and his hot dog feasts!
In the raccoon kingdom there is a statue of Jim, he is revered daily.
Jim’s Raccoon Restaurant. Tonight’s Special: Hot Dogs. Served Tableside
What a beautiful, beautiful creature. “Jim or the raccoons?” Both. I could really use more neighbors like Jim here, and less like the, well, like the actual jerks I have to live around. “Have you ever considered maybe you’re the jerk?” Only briefly, but I rejected the null hypothesis using the scientific method. “You peed into a Bunsen burner to see if the flame would change color.” I DID SCIENCE.
Keep going for two videos, but be sure to check out Jim’s Youtube channel if this is the content you’ve been looking for.
Hole In One: Golfer Rips Fart Into Swing Mic During Tee Off

This is a video of pro golfer Ian Poulter airing one out at the first tee during the Travelers Championship at TPC River Highlands in Connecticut over the weekend. Some more he who smelt it dealt it info:
Poulter, who took credit right away, said on camera, “Did you get that?”
In response, [fellow pro golfer Greg] Chalmers said, “Stay over there. Is that supposed to be more silent than that?”
Poulter later commented on Twitter:
“3 club wind this morning on the first tee. Always beware of the live mic,” Poulter wrote on the social media site. After Chalmers said, “I like the (fart) in the closed caption. That really confirmed it for me”, Poulter responded by saying, “The best bit everyone thinks it was you.”
Admittedly, if you can’t fart freely on the golf course, where can you? I mean it’s basically manicured nature. Sure I accidentally set most of the grass around the 16th hole on fire and the country club had to remove a few trees, but if I’d had to hold that fart in it would have melted me from the inside-out. That’s not how I want to go.
"Somebody step on a duck?" @IanJamesPoulter pic.twitter.com/RmYEDaMSFk
— FootJoy (@FootJoy) June 28, 2020
Thanks to my buddy Closet Nerd, who agrees he should have at least had the common courtesy to yell fore.