This is a compilation created by Trekkie John DiMarco (previously) of Spock finding things fascinating throughout the entirety of the Star Trek franchise, but predominately from the original series. Me? I wish I were Spock, because I don’t find anything fascinating anymore. Now almost everything is just disappointing or cool,
This is another compilation created by Trekkie and editor John DiMarco (previously), this time highlighting 40 years of various Star Trek characters saying ‘Engage!’. Oh you thought it was just Picard? Some fan you are. The Enterprise crew has been engaging since the original series! Probably in freaky deaky alien
This is another compilation video created by Trekkie John DiMarco (previously), this time featuring Star Trek clips that include the phrase “Klingons do not…” and variations thereof. Apparently Klingons don’t actually do a lot of things. I suppose that makes me more Klingon than I’d previously thought, because I hardly
Because they never stood a chance, this is a supercut of all 29 redshirt deaths throughout Star Trek: The Original Series as compiled by Youtuber John DiMarco (previously: his other Star Trek compilation videos). Man, it would have sucked to join Starfleet just to be handed inevitable death in the
Because Youtuber John DiMarco must spend the majority of his free time rewatching Star Trek episodes and taking notes (nothing wrong with that), this is another compilation he edited (previously), this time featuring all the ‘Beam Me Up, Scottys’ and other variations spoken throughout the franchise, from The Original Series
This is another compilation video created by Trekkie John DiMarco (previously), this time assembling all the live long and prospers and Vulcan salutes seen in the franchise, from The Original Series to Prodigy. Interesting, apparently there was no living long or prospering in Deep Space 9. Or for any red
Because a television character is only as good as their best catchphrase, this is another Star Trek compilation video assembled by Youtuber John DiMarco (previously), this time featuring all the “I’m a doctor, not a…” lines in Star Trek: The Original Series, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, First Contact, and Enterprise.
This is a video edited together by Youtuber John DiMarco (previously: the evolution of warp jumping) featuring the evolution of Star Trek’s transporter effects over the past 55 years, including scenes from The Original Series and Original Series films, The Animated Series, The Next Generation and The Next Generation films,