This is a video of a man on Antiques Roadshow finding out what the value of his 1963 Avengers #1 and #2 comics are worth. The appraiser estimates #2 is worth around $450 – $550, but the first edition is somewhere between $4,000 – $6,000, for a total of $4,450 – $6,550 in 2015. Now, thanks to ever-increasing interest in the franchise as a result of all the movies, they’re estimated to have increased to around $6,500 – $9,000. Per the lucky bastard:
“No way! You are kidding me. In that condition? Wow! My mom is going to freak out! I cannot believe that she kept them all these years! She is totally not going to believe this story! Seriously! Wow! Oh my gosh it is unbelievable, that is amazing, I don’t even want to touch them now. Mom, you did good!
Listen bro, I’ll give you $40 for the both of them. And — AND — I’ll even sweeten the pot by promising to stop making fun of you in math class to deflect from my own stupidity. Just think about it: $40 in your pocket, or a lifetime of swirlies and wedgies — it’s your choice.