This is a short security cam video that captured the end life cycle of a road sign, from initial accident (sideswiped by a bus) to eventual death (drunk man breaking post, carrying pole away). That poor sign — you almost feel bad for it. Then you remember it’s just a
This is ‘Nanoscapes’ a short video shot by Kristina Dutton featuring butterfly wings captured with an electron microscope at magnifications up to 50,000X. That’s some series magnification. Most of the time I wasn’t even sure what I was looking at. “Butterfly wings.” I like you, I really do, but you
This is a video of a striated frogfish (which looks like a character from Adventure Time) displaying its lure, a sort of natural fishing pole that can be extended from its “nose” and wiggle a very convincing worm-like appendage in front of it’s mouth to attract prey. Evolution is nuts.
Because nature is totally nuts, this is a video of a robotic spy fish infiltrating a millions-strong shoal of herring while they look for a place to lay and fertilize their eggs. The real fish constantly release flatulence from their swim bladders that sounds like clicking underwater, a behavior our
Note: Audio on for max chirpy chirping. This is a short in-nest video of a tawny owl that has had her two infertile eggs replaced with two orphaned hatchlings to raise. She seems STOKED. Me? That sounds like a lot of responsibility. I have a hard enough time keeping my
This is a video from a Homer, Alaska based Scenic Bear Viewing tour of the guides demonstrating what to do when a bear charges. They stress you should NOT run, but rather make loud noises and stand your ground to discourage the bear from approaching any further. Apparently bears have
This is a video from rainforest conservationist and TikTok user junglekeeper, who’s documenting his stay in the Amazon when leafcutter ants start cutting leaf-sized holes out of his tent, providing all the other terrifying insect wildlife easy access to climbing on his face. Talk about a nightmare. Personally, the only
Because space is totally nuts (I know because I’ve been there), this is a timelapse video of the aurora borealis as viewed from the International Space Station. FUN FACT: did you know the Northern Lights are actually the souls of everyone who died recently escaping the planet? Thanks for coming