This is a video from Youtube channel What If detailing the science of what life would be like on Earth if it was somehow shaped like a giant pizza slice. Apparently life would not be that great. Thank goodness it’s shaped like an entire pizza, am I right?! “Tell me
These are two slow-motion videos of a cymbal’s vibration of the pins in a pin art toy after it’s been struck. Man, pin art toys used to be EVERYWHERE in the 90’s. But mostly at Spencer’s. People wouldn’t hesitate to pick one up off the shelf and push their face
This is a hype video from the Invisibility Shield Company highlighting the second generation of their invisibility shield, and offering it for sale on Kickstarter. The shield, while not perfect, does provide an impressive amount of invisibility immediately behind it. And right now you can get a 40″ x 28″
As part of my ongoing commitment to public health, this is a video from emergency medical service provider Kieram Litchfield detailing what different colored urine means about your health, adding food coloring to toilet water and stirring the faux-pee with what I assume is a roommate’s cereal spoon. From kidney
This is a video of Youtuber Inheritance Machining creating a Mobius cube — a cube that, like it’s Mobius strip cousin, only has a single side. My brain hurts just thinking about it. I remember the first time I saw M.C. Esher’s Mobius Strip II (with the red ants) I
Happy Pi Day (3.14)! I’m going to have a berry cobbler for dessert tonight, which, while technically not pie, is my favorite and close enough, even if it is a rectangle. This is a video of some folks visually demonstrating pi using the pizza crust from one pizza and four
This is a video captured aboard a Varda space capsule launched by SpaceX that’s reentering the earth’s atmosphere at around Mach 25, or around 17,500MPH. That’s fast. Varda developed the W1 capsule for companies that want to test or manufacture in space (in this case, drug manufacturing in zero-gravity). The
These are a couple videos from psychologist Edgar Ciancio, who attached the business end of a garden hose to the cone of a subwoofer to vibrate the water coming out in sync with the sound waves produced. Pretty cool, and I can’t wait to demonstrate this at my next BBQ