This is 3D animation created by Global Data (previous videos) comparing the sizes of various monuments around the world, both ancient and modern. It begins with the Moai statue heads carved on Easter Island, and ends with the mountaintop Machu Picchu. And, if you were wondering if the video includes
This is a 5-minute timelapse video of various skyscrapers being constructed around Singapore from 2012 – 2020. The video is the lovechild of Keith Loutit, who “took hundreds of thousands of pictures of the city over eight years, and then aligned and combined them into 3000 time-lapse sequences to show
This is a video showing the movement of the Taipei 101’s tuned mass damper during the recent 6.9-magnitude earthquake that hit the country. The tuned mass damper is a massive 16-foot, 660-metric ton sphere suspended between the 88th and 92nd floors of the building that swings to counteract any movement
This is size comparison video visualizing the height of the tallest building in 51 different countries. I found the beginning of the video much more interesting than the end, because if you’re familiar with the world’s tallest buildings, you already know what’s going to be in the top ten. And
This is a 3D visualization created by Youtuber Jared Owen exploring the Statue Of Liberty. The video includes, in this order with timestamps: 0:00-Intro, 0:24-Geography, 1:37-History and Facts, 2:44-Construction, 5:31-Renovations, 5:48-Tour Outside, 7:17-Tour Inside Pedestal, 8:40-Tour Inside Statue. The tours at the end were the most exciting part though. Of
In coming in like a wrecking ball news, this is a video from TikTok user *checks name, chooses to ignore* of a Swanson Health Products sign getting blown around in the wind from the crane it’s dangling from like it’s trying to take out the building. Honestly, if I were
This is another size comparison video from MetaBallStudio (previously), this time visualizing the increasing height of the world’s current tallest buildings (you can see the Burj Khalifa, fourth building from left), along with proposed future projects (some under construction, but most still conceptual). I learned a lot by watching it.
This is a video of the Babyn Yar Synagogue opening up like a pop-up book. The synagogue, located in a wooded ravine in the west of Kyiv in Ukraine, was designed and constructed by Swiss-based Manuel Herz Architects (link to their website with a lot more detail) to commemorate the