This is a video of The Simpsons voice actor Hank Azaria attempting to distract a Buckingham Palace guard by performing some of his characters, including Moe, Police Chief Wiggum, Snake, Professor Frink, and Comic Book Guy. The distraction goes horribly, and the guard doesn’t move a muscle. Hopefully there wasn’t
This is a little infographic created by Visual Capitalist detailing some of the popular comic and cartoon characters set to enter the public domain in the next 15 years. Looks like I’ve got five years to shoot, edit, and be ready to release my King Kong movie. “Have you already
Crafted by RuggyBagyStudio, this is a video of a SpongeBob inspired pizza box rug that, when opened, reveals a SpongeBob pizza inside with a removable slice! Well, only partially removable, it’s actually attached with strings of cheese. Now, I know that cheese is actually yarn, but it still looks good
These are several videos of musician Josh Harmon recreating cartoon sound effects with his percussion instruments and other objects. You may recall Josh from the video of him recreating the sound effects from the trailer for The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom. Or you might not. Me? I
Note: Chart above has been cut to fit the marquee, scroll down for the whole graphic. This is a graphic created by Visual Capitalist detailing the world’s top 17 grossing media franchises of all time, and the sources of all that money. The order may surprise you. Or it may
This is a world map detailing the most popular children’s cartoon in every country. As you can see, Naruto pretty much rules the planet with 83 countries, followed by Youtube cartoon channel CoComelon with 49. No other cartoon dominates more than a handful of countries, and the U.S. is apparently
This is a clip of a real life roadrunner vocalizing. Shockingly, it does not make the ‘Meep meep!’ we’ve all come to expect from watching cartoons. It’s more of a really quick clicking. Great, now what else have cartoons been lying to us about?! Next thing you know we’ll find
This is some footage captured by Chris theRCgeek of Snoopy flying atop his doghouse plane in real life. How about that! His head even turns as he flies. That’s awesome. Honestly, probably more awesome than humanity deserves right now. I feel like humanity deserves to pay $10 to see a