After her cat fell in the tub three times trying to join her during bath time, equine behavioral specialist Shelby Dennis of Milestone Equestrian used a clear plastic Rubbermaid bin to make a “boat” so he can join her without the hassle/trauma of getting wet. Shelby actually supports the boat
This is a video from filmmaker Tyler Johnson, who modded a cat exercise wheel with an Insta360 camera to capture some unorthodox footage of his cat exercising. Not exactly what I was hoping for from Santa, but I suppose it’s better than coal or taking turns with the reindeer pooping
This is a clip of Cornish Rex cats Arya and Keiko playing a game of leapfrog with each other on a giant exercise wheel. Hey, whatever keeps them active and burns those calories. “I burn calories eating.” Garfield! “What?” Put down the lasagna, Jon has let this go on long
This is Cartoon and Reality, a compilation of cat videos assembled by feline lover Tharoth featuring clips from the cartoon Tom and Jerry followed by similar situations with real-life cats. The paper airplane into the trash can (above) was probably my favorite, but there were some other real goodies in
This is a short video of an optimistic cat who thought it was finally able to catch (with minimal effort I might add) and eat a red laser pointer. The way he chews it! I wonder what it tasted like. *licking laser beam on wall* This one taste like old
This is a compilation of trail cam footage released by the Voyageurs Wolf Project of wild Canadian lynx wandering the wilderness of Voyageurs National Park in northern Minnesota. What beautiful creatures! I especially like the size of their paws, their pointy ears, and how their coats change during the different
This is a short video of young feline Kittysh Catkovski walking across the keys of a piano and playing what sounds like the intro to Scott Joplin’s ragtime standard ‘The Entertainer’. And just when I thought there’s no way a cat could play the piano better than I can. What
This is a video of a playful orange cat performing an interpretive shadow dance on the bed in the sunshine. It reminds me of Peter Pan fighting his shadow. Man, Peter Pan — that kid had it right. Stay young, be imaginative, eat a booger every now and then, and