While remodeling a bathroom in his parent’s house, builder Tim King of TKing Construction in Lombard, Illinois found a Christmas present behind a wall. The gift was addressed to him, and was from 1978, when he was just 6 years old. He suspects the box fell between two walls in
A barred owl in Arlington, Virginia recently flew down a family’s uncapped chimney (that’s your bad) and perched atop their Christmas tree, knocking the star topper to the side and taking its place. Admittedly, that’s a great Christmas tree topper. In other news, apparently somebody’s going to be a freshman
This is a video edited by game developer John C. Worsley, who used a bunch of clips from Star Trek: The Original Series to have the characters perform John Lennon’s ‘Happy XMas (War Is Over)’. And while the Vietnam War is over, war as a whole most certainly isn’t. And,
This is some home security cam footage from Stephanie Niles, who, after returning from buying a Christmas tree and dropping it off in the driveway, was convinced someone had stolen it after she went back outside to park the car in the garage later that evening and it was gone.
NOTE: Colorful Lil John language. This is another musical mashup created by There I Ruined It (previously), this time featuring Lil Jon’s ‘Get Low’ to the tune of Burl Ives’ classic Christmas tune ‘Have A Holly Jolly Christmas’. Listening to the words so slowly really made them stand out. Now
This a vintage news report from the vaults of ABC7 in New York highlighting the insane demand for Cabbage Patch Dolls leading up to Christmas in 1983. Man, those parents are NUTS. Parents these days? If it’s not available on Amazon with 2-day shipping they’ll just tell you Santa said
This is a video from the Bell Brothers of Home Alone’s Kevin McCallister inserted into a bunch of other classic holiday movies, including National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Mean Girls, Ernest Saves Christmas, Love Actually, The Muppet Christmas Movie, A Christmas Story, Elf, and Die Hard. They did a great job.
This is a compilation video of famous movie scenes with televisions in them edited by French filmmaker Fabrice Mathieuso so that Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ appears to be playing on them, and the characters being none too thrilled about it. I can actually empathize, and