Note: Keep your volume in check, bowling ball cannon. Because some people have all the fun (leaving nothing but weekend crumbs for the rest of us), this is a video from the Ballistic High-Speed Youtube channel of a bowling ball cannon, capable of launching balls at up to 400ft/second. Over
This is a video from the fun/destruction loving Aussies of Youtube channel How Ridiculous destroying a variety of different objects with their katana machine, a rotor that spins its sword blades at 750km/h (466MPH). Plus they filmed the action in 6000FPS ultra-slow motion to capture all the details. Honestly, the
This is a video of the fun-loving Aussies of Youtube channel How Ridiculous attempting to crack progressively tougher safes by dropping a 2-ton axe blade on them. They also destroy a bunch of other things in between. The finale, an absolutely massive safe, takes a very respectable 20 hits before
This is a video from Youtuber Macro Room of a bunch of different everyday objects (including an alarm clock, smartphone, keyboard, CD, and dinosaur toy) being melted with a propane torch, viewed UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL. I’ll be honest, it was cool to watch, but in general I don’t like
Because the best-laid plans of mice and men never accounted for automatic garage doors, this is some home security cam footage of a garage door devouring a Christmas wreath, stripping its ornaments like a wreath-eating Grinch. You’d think the homeowners might have considered this possibility before hanging the wreath. I
Because some people have all the fun, this is a video of Youtuber The Backyard Scientist destroying things with a 400MPH rocket powered slicing warhead he constructed from six kitchen knives. Is this actually science? Yes, and the best kind: the DANGEROUS kind. *twirling tips of evil villain mustache* Yessss,
This is a video of an industrial shredder (I must have one — and not just for the bodies) easily eating an old air compressor like it’s chewing gum. And maybe this is like chewing gum for an industrial shredder. For me chewing gum is a lot like not being
This is a video of the controlled demolition of the old Tappan Zee Bridge in Terrytown, New York as executed by Controlled Demolition, Inc. in 2019. Such precision — it just falls straight down. I wonder what they charged for that job. Because I would have done it for way