This is a very impressively designed LEGO Great Ball Contraption (GBC) module built by Youtuber NDL-GBC featuring minifigs shootings the balls like basketballs thanks to their spring legs — real LEGO minifig pieces that were made in the early 2000’s for basketball themed sets. Very clever, and about 90% of
This is a compilation video from a wildlife camera set up at a beaver dam at Voyageurs National Park in northern Minnesota on the Ontario border of a bunch of the different animals that use the dam to cross the water, not a single one of which bothered to pay
This is a minute long video of a traffic intersection in Tehran, Iran, which appears to operate under its own rules (or complete disregard thereof). Honestly, I don’t think I could do it. Per my girlfriend: “Still more efficient than the DMV.” Is that true? I wouldn’t know — I