Because some people have all the fun, and those people aren’t me, the Aussies of Youtube channel How Ridiculous took their world’s largest blender (previously seen HERE), and put it to the test with some gloriously fiery results. Highlights include a bunch of aerosol deodorant cans and some sparklers to
This is some footage from a typical morning at a bird feeder located in Nuevo Arenal, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Visitors include “collared Aracari Toucans, several kinds of woodpeckers, Oropendula, Palm Tanagers, Blue/Gray Tanagers, Baltimore Orioles, Clay-colored Thrush (the national bird of Costa Rica), Red-legged Honeycreepers, Black-Cowled Oriole, Euphonias, a few
This is a timelapse video created by Youtuber Another Perspective capturing crystals forming after adding vitamin C and beta alanin to water and alcohol. Is that meth? Those are some pretty crystals. Now, grow me some kryptonite, I have a lot of evil that needs doing and I don’t want
This is ‘Above The Dust’, a beautifully shot video of Burning Man 2022 captured entirely by drone. That…looks like an experience. I have friends that go, but I have the feeling it would not be my cup of tea. I mean I can only do so many drugs before I
Appearing almost as if they’re paint-splattered, this is a video highlighting the very colorful rainbow eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus deglupta), native to the Philippines, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. The tree features multi-colored back that’s hard to believe Mother Nature didn’t create while on acid. Probably because she was, or at
This is a video from Chengdu, China of a mist truck designed to help trap and remove dust from the air driving by spraying its mist and creating a perfect rainbow right in front of the Tianxi Twin Towers in the process. How about that! Of course you won’t find
Because tie-dye will never — what’s the word I’m looking for — pass away, these are a couple videos from tie-dye master Austin Mackereth, who knows just how to twist and tie and apply dye to shirts to create unbelievably impressive patterns. And here I thought my Grateful Dead tie-dye
Slow motion: hands down one of my favorite motions besides *pats waterbed, winks* the motion of the ocean. This is a video of Gav of the Slow-Mo Guys carefully placing 1,000 mousetraps covered with dry paint pigment, then setting them all off in a glorious chain reaction, all filmed in