These are charts of all the movies in the Star Wars saga (the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, and the sequel trilogy) detailing how much screentime each major character got. There’s also a chart at the very bottom with the characters’ screentimes across ALL the movies. I learned a lot
These are a couple videos (including a POV version) of TikTok user aladdin_skylab taking to the skies aboard a real flying (falling) carpet, just like Aladdin in his self-titled movie! The carpet operates very similar to a wingsuit, and the effect is pretty spectacular. Am I going to launch myself
These are two size visualization videos from MetaBallStudio (previously) comparing the sizes of various monsters from popular movie, video game, and book franchises. The first is a side-scrolling comparison with all the monsters lined up, the second is a dynamic video of the monsters moving. Both begin with the diminutive
Because the internet is can occasionally be a magical place, this is a video of Ace Ventura edited into Grand Theft Auto V by maker of these sorts of videos eli_handle_b.wav (previously). It’s a perfect match, just like peanut butter and banana and honey and chocolate syrup and marshmallow fluff
Apparently available for sale as customizable bootleg videos on Etsy (I can’t imagine Disney being thrilled about that), this is a video of a Toy Story themed gender reveal using clips from the movies with the names of the parents added. People are still doing the gender reveal thing, huh?
Because the internet is a beautiful place full of wonders (I’m kidding), this is a video from Youtuber eli_handle_b.wav (previously) who masterfully inserted clips of Pee-wee Herman from Pee-wee’s Big Adventure into Cyberpunk 2077. It’s really grade A quality, unlike any work I ever did in school. That was mostly
Because where there’s a will, there’s a way, this is a short video of two members of the Sumisu family cosplaying as Indiana Jones and the giant rolling boulder from Raiders Of The Lost Ark. There’s also a video of Luke Skywalker on a tauntaun being pursued by a wampa,
This is Miniwood, a short stop motion collection of iconic movie scenes recreated by Yeti Pictures with toys and other miniatures. Movie scenes include The Exorcist, King Kong, Jurassic Park, The Addams Family, Kill Bill, Terminator 2, and RoboCop. Which was your favorite? Mine was Jurassic Park. Kill Bill was