This is a video of an artist painting a Corona bottle to disappear into the serene park background when viewed from the same angle its being painted from. From the rear it still looks like a Corona bottle though, as seen at the end of the video. Give me five
This is a video of 20-year old Instagram user smoothyoki_ explaining how he’s one of the richest people on the planet, and how you, too, can be so rich. You know, just not rich in material wealth. Haha, no, for that you’ll need to fleece a bunch of suckers online
This is a forced perspective video of film director Erik Schmitt appearing to move traffic at a busy intersection with his hand. Cute, although God may have a thing or two to say to Erik about playing God. Probably something along the lines of, “Thanks bro, I get tired of
This is a video of artist Howard Lee (previously seen making furniture disappear into their surroundings) making a tree disappear into the New York City Financial District’s skyline along the East River with a well executed perspective painting. Impressive! Now if he could do the same thing with all the
This is a video from Wired highlighting the work of chalk artist Kurt Wenner, who creates realistic perspective pieces on a large scale. In the video, he discusses the various pieces he’s made, his process, and the challenges that arose while creating them. It was an interesting watch. Maybe not
This is a short compilation video of video artist Zach King’s clever perspective based editing tricks, usually grabbing something huge in the background only for it to appear small in Zach’s hands. That’s fun. Or, who knows, maybe he’s a legit wizard. I’m joking, I’m pretty sure I know all
Hot on the flying heels of his previously posted Superman toy attached to a drone video come these ones from Petr N of an X-wing making an improvised Death Star Trench Run, and a speeder bike zipping around in the forests of Endor. I don’t know about you, but it
This is a video of a forced perspective billboard in Times Square where a licker escapes its glass cell as a promo for the upcoming Resident Evil series on Netflix. Obviously it’s pretty cool, but it only really works from this one particular angle. From any other angle it will