Because this is the internet and the internet never stops tossing things in a blender and mixing them up to see how it tastes, this is an edit created by DJ Cummerbund featuring the vocals from Rage Against the Machine’s angsty political ‘Testify’ with the beat from Pitbull’s dancy ‘Fireball’.
This is a video (that I’ve watched at least a dozen times studying the faces of the people in the arena) of tennis player Alexander Bublik smashing three rackets in a row after losing a point to Grégoire Barrère in the 2023 Open Sud de France. His God Of War
This is some cleverly edited footage to make the North Korean military band (formally the Korean People’s Army State Merited Chorus and Symphony Orchestra) appear to play Rage Against The Machine’s 1992 protest banger ‘Killing In The Name’. The audio is actually pulled from a Rockin’ 1000 performance of the
This is a video of game-loving Australian Shepherd Spot playing a little Connect Four with her human and rage-quitting after her three-in-a-row gets blocked (valiant effort trying to cover the hole with her muzzle so the move couldn’t be made though). Honest, I don’t blame her, I do the exact
In other sports bloopers, this is a video of Polish National Chess Champion Pawel Teclaf making a game-losing move during the World Blitz Chess Championship and instantly becoming so upset with himself he falls out of his chair. Who knew chess was such an action sport? For reference, I would
Because this is the world we live in, this is a video of a real salt of the earth woman wearing a chin strap to keep her head from falling off at Dunkin’ Donuts who ordered a dozen Munchkins (aka donut holes) and got pissed when she only received twelve
This is a video of very precious Milo the ring-necked parakeet throwing a temper tantrum when his owner tells him that she’s going to step outside for a little while. It sounds like he’s actually mocking her. It only lasts a short while though before he’s back to blowing kisses
This is ‘All Your Pain In One Video’, a compilation of frustrating everyday inconveniences that really got my blood boiling to the point you could probably make vampire coffee with it. Things like accidentally breaking the yolk of an egg, not being able to find the end on a roll