Hot on the flying heels of his previously posted Superman toy attached to a drone video come these ones from Petr N of an X-wing making an improvised Death Star Trench Run, and a speeder bike zipping around in the forests of Endor. I don’t know about you, but it
Wanna go crazy? Honestly, I feel like I’m doing a fine job myself without a video of 100 cuckoo clock cuckoos doing their thing in just as many seconds. But maybe you need a little push because you live such a charmed life. That must be nice. You wanna Freaky
This is a video of a bubble artist (it has to be a real thing) blowing a smoke-filled bubble, then bouncing it on a tennis racquet with a bubble for strings, before encasing it inside that bubble, removing it like separating the yolk from an egg white, and poking a
This is a video from a drone with a Superman toy attached that gives the viewer a sense of riding on the Man Of Steel’s back. That’s fun. Would I much rather ride on Falkor’s back? Of course, but beggars can’t be choosers. I mean they can be, but then
This is a 3D animation imagining a manufacturing plant where different logos are made. It’s pretty neat. Of course this isn’t how logos are actually made, logos are actually made by graphic designers strung out on coffee in Photoshop the day of their deadline. Or at least in my experience
This is a video from the appropriately named Instrument Maniac performing the same 7-note lick on an impressive 91 different instruments, including the train whistle, ocarina, and conch shell. That is a lot of different instruments! For reference, I only play one instrument — the heartstrings. Still, if you’re the
Presumably to pitch an entirely unnecessary remake of The Big Lebowski, this is ‘Right Up Our Alley’, an awesome one-take drone fly through of the vintage 8-lane Bryant Lake Bowl in Minneapolis, Minnesota, as captured by videographer and drone pilot Jay Christensen. It really was well executed, and includes some
This is a video of acrobat Jacob Grégoire and company performing a fun hoop diving routine. While I did notice a few hoop touches that I have no choice but to deduct points for, overall it was quite impressive. You know, I wish I’d pursued gymnastics and acrobatics when I