This is a video of pet octopus Marty (who I believe is an Octopus bimaculatus, aka Verrill’s two-spot octopus) opening a closed jar just moments after being exposed to one for the first time. That’s impressive. How we knew to turn it is beyond me, and certainly beyond my roommate,
An unmanned submersible launched by the research vessel EV Nautilus near Papau (southeast of the Philippines) captured some footage of the boat’s namesake on its last underwater exploration of 2024. If there was ever proof that aliens exist, the nautilus makes a pretty solid argument. Just look at that thing!
Because dream it, and, with enough Youtube views, you can recoup the money it cost to build, this is a video of Youtuber Mr. Ho Thanh Che constructing a UFO inspired jet boat. The flying saucer shaped watercraft is powered by the same sort of motor as a jet-ski, and
NOTE: Some strong language, mom may have been a sailor. Because what better way to thank your mother for bringing you into this mess of a world, this is a video of a lackadaisical son pranking his mom with a fake alien invasion broadcast (previously: this one). I’m not sure
Because Mother Nature never ceases to amaze (I once saw her ride a mechanical bull upside down waving her legs like arms), this is a timelapse video of a stick insect molting its old skin. It’s so crazy to think this is the process that evolution developed over tens of
NOTE: TONS OF CURSING, SAILOR FAMILY. This is a video of a guy pranking his mom with a fake emergency broadcast he made warning viewers that a number of UFOs have been spotted above the United States. His mom falls for it hard, and immediately gets on the phone to
While investigating the waters of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument in Hawaii, the ROV Little Hercules spotted a rarely seen dumbo octopus just floating in the current. Apparently the marine biologists watching the feed were particularly happy to see this dumbo octopus, because the last one they spotted was in
First aired 31 years ago when I was still too short to reach the cookies on top of the refrigerator without using a stool and risking it all, this is a Pepsi commercial featuring a xenomorph alien to ride the hype of the release of Alien 3. In the ad,