This is a short security cam video that captured the end life cycle of a road sign, from initial accident (sideswiped by a bus) to eventual death (drunk man breaking post, carrying pole away). That poor sign — you almost feel bad for it. Then you remember it’s just a
This is a short, almost perfect internet video. It has everything: things you saw coming from a mile away, plus SURPRISES. So — is everything a coincidence, or is there an undercurrent of order in the universe? “Coincidence.” Good answer — everything is chaos. Especially cats and my life. View
This is some drone footage captured by storm chaser and meteorologist Reed Timmer in Greenfield, Iowa of a multi-vortex tornado toppling some wind turbines and being the all around destructive force of nature that it is. So, if you were wondering what happens when a tornado meets a wind turbine,
This is a video of a golfer taking a ball-less practice swing in his garage when he accidentally breaks the club head off and sends it through a neighbor’s car window. That sucks. I mean he was doing everything right, and things still went wrong. Story of my life! I
Because VR/AR is not the distraction most people need in their lives no matter how hard Apple or Facebook tries to convince them otherwise, this is a video of an idiot wearing Apple’s Vision Pro at a fine dining establishment (already a red flag), and accidentally (debatable) breaking a glass
Because when in doubt, smack it with a hammer (that’s one of my mottos), this is a video of authorities at a school in China breaking smartphones to warn students not to use the devices on campus. Apparently students have to turn in their phones when they reach school grounds,
Police were recently dispatched to a shopping mall in Capalaba, Australia to retrieve 3-year old Ethan, who had crawled into a Hello Kitty claw machine via the prize shoot. Where were his parents when this was happening? My guess, if they parent anything like I uncle, is right there cheering
This is a video of a Jeep crew doing some offroading in what appears to be a giant’s belly button when the driver fails to maneuver out of the hollow, snapping the vehicle’s front U-joints and ripping the right front tire clean off. That looks like an expensive repair. Of