This is a live-action fan film from Youtuber Batinthesun pitting Batman and Superman against Darth Vader. But mostly just Batman vs Vader until the very end. The production value is surprisingly high, which explains why they were only able to make a 5-minute movie. Unfortunately for me and my viewing
This is the Sotheby’s listing for the colloquially known ‘Darth Vader House’ for sale in Houston, Texas. The house was built in 1992 for Dr. Jean Cukier, who, when deciding to have a custom home built “grabbed a piece of paper and drew it himself. Cukier loved Star Wars so
This is a video of the very lovely Ellie (I have a dog named Ellie too!) watching Darth Vader’s entrance in Star Wars: A New Hope and getting so frightened she climbs down off the couch and has to finish watching from behind the sofa. And I don’t blame her.