This is a video from San Francisco of a Waymo self-driving taxi encountering an open fire hydrant and being unable to assess the situation. It doesn’t want to drive through the water, but it doesn’t want to enter the protected bike lane either. Apparently in a situation like this the
This is a video playing the dashcam and drivercam footage simultaneously of a man calmly avoiding what would have certainly been a nasty t-boning. He never even takes his hand off the back of the passenger seat (whatever happened to 10 and 2 or 9 and 3?). That’s pro level
Because who needs autonomous vehicles when we can trust our lives to rat taxis, these are a couple videos of rescue pet rats Kronk and Kuzko demonstrating their driving skills while being taught by their owners how to steer their own little cars. It appears the car has three buttons:
This is a video of what appears to be a homemade tow-behind snowplow doing its thing. Its thing being plowing snow, just to be clear. I’m not entirely sure what it’s made of, but if I had to guess, I’d say 100% ingenuity. Or a brick with a couple long
This is a video of a safari driver quickly reversing for almost a whole minute to avoid a charging rhino in Africa. Did you know rhinos can hit speeds in excess of 30MPH at full speed? Thank goodness that road was fairly straight. Me? I would have almost certainly backed
This is a video of two dudes cruising along a Tennessee highway, worried that the man they see hanging out the back of a box truck is going to fall, and hoping the driver takes the next exit to rescue him. Then they realize it’s just a giant graphic printed
This is a video from Matt Anderson, who couldn’t find his phone while driving but knew it was nearby because it was playing music via Bluetooth. Finally, he located the phone, and his copilot captured footage of it teetering on the vehicle’s hood. How did neither one of you see
This is some dashcam footage from a California highway where a truck loses its left front tire and a Kia Soul in the adjacent lane immediately hits it, launching the vehicle like it just reached the end of a Hot Wheels Ramp. I like how the driver applied their brakes