This is a video of doctor of evolutionary biology ChuckDarwin (I guess he was cryogenically frozen?) discussing the extra ocelli (Latin: little eyes) some insects have, and their purpose. According to research, the simple eyes only gather information about light and dark, and help flying insects maintain their orientation to
This is a video of from Insider, which took a deep dive into the evolution of car chases in movies over the last 100 years, with the addition of techniques like using modified cars and chase vehicles, to undercranking the film (filming at a slower frame-rate so playback at regular
This is a video highlighting the evolution of Boston Dynamics’ ATLAS humanoid robot over the past 40 years, including from before Boston Dynamics even existed and early legged robotic locomotion was being studied at MIT’s Leg Lab. It was actually pretty interesting to see the walking technology develop. Sometimes by
Named for famed British naturalist and personal hero David Attenborough, this is a picture of Attenborough’s long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus attenboroughi), snapped by a camera trap during an expedition in the Cyclops Mountains in Indonesia’s Papua Province. It is the first time since 1961 that scientists have managed to spot the
These are several videos of a sugar glider named Titan Bool leaping from heights to glide and land on his owner’s hand. For those of you unfamiliar, sugar gliders are small gliding marsupials native to Australia, and can glide like flying squirrels (which are rodents and not related, but an
This is a video edited together by Youtuber John DiMarco (previously: the evolution of warp jumping) featuring the evolution of Star Trek’s transporter effects over the past 55 years, including scenes from The Original Series and Original Series films, The Animated Series, The Next Generation and The Next Generation films,
This is a video discussing and displaying the evolution of Epic Games’ Unreal Engine, from the initial Unreal Engine tech demo of 1996 to the upcoming release of Unreal Engine 5 and Metahuman Creator. We sure have come a long way, haven’t we? The early graphics look so antiquated I
This is a video from Insider discussing the evolution of Iron Man’s visual effects in Marvel movies over the past eleven years. Some more info while I pop some popcorn, and by pop some popcorn I mean make a whole box of Pillsbury Toaster Strudels AND an extra bowl of