Because everyone is kept up at night haunted by different questions, this is a video from Dustin Ballard of There I Ruined It imagining what different singers might sound like falling down the stairs. He uses vocals from their songs to make the sound effects, and at the end he
This is a video from an aquarium where the audience is anxiously awaiting a penguin’s dive into the water from a suspended ramp when the bird slips and falls into the drink instead. Honestly, I doubt even a cartoon penguin could make a more comical scene, I don’t care how
Because a first day on the job is always chockfull of pitfalls, this is a video of a man tripping down the stairs and accidentally pulling the fire alarm on his first day at a new gig. Those fire doors shut QUICK. I doubt he was fired for the incident,
This is a short clip of the not-so-Incredible Hulk tripping in the doorway of a children’s birthday party and faceplanting in front of everybody. I like how some of the kids run away crying. That’s how you know it’ll be a birthday to remember.
This is a video of Bella the baby boxer losing her balance and taking a nose-dive into and barrel roll through a bowl of puréed puppy chow. Hey, it happens. If I had a dollar for every time I went face down in a meal and came out looking like
This is a video of a worker slipping and falling off a roof carrying a load over one shoulder and landing perfectly on his feet. Is he a cat? Maybe. As far as falling off a roof goes, things certainly could have gone a lot worse. But, minus not falling
This is a video of a mom filming her son competing in a swim meet and completely losing awareness of where she’s at and falling in the pool. Or maybe she was trying to distract the judges from that bootleg version of the breaststroke he was doing. One kick per
Note: Keep your volume in check. This is a short video of a guy singing while a lady friend attempts some sort of interpretive dance on the combo pool/ping pong table behind him and takes an unexpected trip to the upside-down. I’m pretty sure there have to be some sort