This is a video of three marmots participating in a mock battle in the middle of the road. Apparently the animals hold these faux fights to better prepare themselves for defense against actual predators. Does it work? Maybe if they can fend off a wolf with a couple light shoves
This is a video from GQ featuring martial artist and actor Scott Adkins discussing various fight scenes from the John Wick films. In a nutshell, “The films are quite over the top, but the martial arts is very realistic and reality based.” Good to know — so if I trained
This is some Ring home security cam footage of a curious bear jumping the fence into a pigpen to see if the pigs will share some of their delicious slop with it. Unfortunately for the bear, the answer is no, and two pigs take turns rushing it until it decides
This is a video from Insider of nunchuck master and stuntwoman Thekla Hutyrova discussing the proper use of the weapons while rating their use in different movie scenes. I learned a lot by watching it. Mostly, that yelling “HI-YA!” and swinging them around as wildly as you can probably isn’t
This is a video of a duo of wild deer trying to duke it like two t-rexes over munching rights to the backyard treat supply left out for them by ranch owner Gay McMillan of Lake Somerville, Texas. Per Gay while I make a lap around the office challenging coworkers
This is a well executed fly-through tour of Conor McGregor’s Black Forge Inn pub in Dublin, Ireland. I like how all the bartenders are in the middle of making drinks as the drone flies by, that was a nice touch. It looks like a fine enough place to have a
This is a vintage video of elderly ass-kicker John McSweeney teaching the ‘power strikes of combat karate’ so you can better defend yourself in the event a mustachioed man named Paul wants to do you harm. Or if Paul doesn’t actually want to do you any harm but you’re just
This is a video of a spiny flower mantis (Pseudocreobotra wahlbergi, aka the target mantis due to the large eyespots on its forewings) performing a 7-minute defensive dance to let a presumed threat (in this case the cameraman) know that it will fight you, and it will tear you limb-from-limb