Because how good can a fire really be without a demonic skull in it, these fireproof demon skulls add the perfect amount of hellish flair to a burn. Ever had demonic skull s’mores before? They’re to die for. And many people have trying to slay a demon to make them.
These are a couple videos (including a POV version) of TikTok user aladdin_skylab taking to the skies aboard a real flying (falling) carpet, just like Aladdin in his self-titled movie! The carpet operates very similar to a wingsuit, and the effect is pretty spectacular. Am I going to launch myself
This is a video of freestyle cyclist JAKE 100 launching his front bike wheel off a ramp and bouncing it across a few 50-gallon drums while he wheelies without it, then catches it and reattaches it to his bike. Man, these bike tricks have really gotten WILD. I remember when
Because the area doesn’t get enough darkness to fully appreciate fireworks on the 4th of July, residents of Glacier View, Alaska launch jalopies off a 300-foot cliff instead. Admittedly, that is a show I would attend. Some of those launches are nothing short of spectacular. I particularly liked the behind-the-scenes
Based on the old Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots toy, the $70 Wooden Bots Battle game from Etsy seller Balloonic is a great way to settle disputes (or start more). The kit features eight laser-cut boards that are assembled into two warriors trying to pop the other’s balloon head with
This is a video of Tamia Overes’s lovebird Prince cashing in the Forbidden Cupboard Free Pass she got for Christmas to spend some time partying in her favorite prohibited space. And party she does! I can see now why the cupboard is forbidden, because if you spent too much time
Because there’s no such thing as over the top when prom is concerned (that can’t be right), this is a video of a couple arriving for the big dance with the girl exiting a coffin from the back of a hearse. I have officially seen it all. Do one of
Because who needs autonomous vehicles when we can trust our lives to rat taxis, these are a couple videos of rescue pet rats Kronk and Kuzko demonstrating their driving skills while being taught by their owners how to steer their own little cars. It appears the car has three buttons: