Because poor decision making is a skill honed over many years of doing idiotic sh!t and miraculously not dying because God gets a kick out of watching, this is a video of some DIY’er cutting down a tree with a chainsaw from atop a ladder. Surprising only to himself, the
This is a video from long-haul truck driver alexnnino demonstrating the assembly of an emergency toilet he keeps in the cabin in the event nature calls but he isn’t near a phone (read: restroom) to answer that call. It’s basically a folding metal stand with a toilet seat on top
This is a video of father Justin Flom making a Halloween costume for his daughter that makes it look like she’s carrying her own head on a platter. The effect is great, and it doesn’t appear the costume requires that much work provided you have all the necessary parts. You
This is a clip from self-proclaimed messy stay-at-home-mom Alana properly cleaning a front-load washing machine, including the detachable plastic baffles. I’ve heard you were supposed to do this, but does anybody actually? My guess is only Alana, who I suspect is far less messy than she leads on. Still, I
Because comfort is the name of the only game I care to play, Youtuber Tools. Electro. DIY built his own reclining workstation, with its desktop portion sliding onto the armrests of his computer chair. That thing looks NICE. Perfect for never getting up again. Mind emptying my pee jug for
This is an Instagram video of dad Mason Smith (aka thedadsocial) constructing a Power Wheels sized tow-behind camper for his two daughters. Man, that thing looks SWEET. Just needs a mini barbecue for cooking sliders and cocktail weenies. 2 hours, a couple sheets of plywood, a second hand $25 powerwheel
This is a video of 20-year old Instagram user smoothyoki_ explaining how he’s one of the richest people on the planet, and how you, too, can be so rich. You know, just not rich in material wealth. Haha, no, for that you’ll need to fleece a bunch of suckers online
This is a video of Youtuber Flavor Lab discussing the ingredients in Red Bull, then attempting to create his own bathtub energy elixir. The drink is predominately flavored with the citrus oil he produces by soaking the peels of 4 oranges and 2 limes in sugar, but also includes some