Because dream it and you can achieve it, this is a video of a wingsuiter exiting a helicopter with a woman riding on his back. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear the lady making any airplane noises and pretending to fire missiles, which was a shame. I mean otherwise what was the
Because some people refuse to let go of the 1950’s vision of the future, this is a video of Slovakia-based Klein Vision’s AirCar prototype taking to the skies on its maiden voyage. The vehicle, which transforms from car to plane in slow-motion Transformer style, features a 1.6-liter BMW engine cranking
This is a video of a Boeing 747 departing from Anchorage, Alaska and producing some insane condensation in the process. It almost looks like a smoke screen. Of course anybody worth their weight in idiotic conspiracy theories and believing everything they read online knows good and well this isn’t actually
This is a video captured from inside the cabin of an Airbus A320 as it takes off from Changi Airport in Singapore to show the changing speed (measures in km/h so it makes no sense to Americans) as it breaks the laws of physics. Honestly, I still can’t believe people
This is a slow motion video from the folks (and bugs) of Ant Lab, featuring a bunch of different insects (spanning 8 different taxonomic orders — that’s the one between class and family) spreading their wings and taking to the sky, shot at 3,200 frames/second. Beautiful, wasn’t it? “Gross I