Determined to make it happen for reasons I’ll never understand, this is a video of Youtuber Engineezy designing and building a machine that harvests the energy of falling marbles to charge a phone. Does the device consume more electric energy lifting the marbles than it produces? What do you think?
Designed by inventor Kazuya Shibata, this is a video demonstration of a face shield that quickly closes above a user’s face in the event they drop their phone while scrolling in bed at night, preventing both the pain and personal embarrassment associated with such a drop. Alternatively, doomscroll on your
This is a video detailing how cherries are harvested. This is not how I imagined it happening. Based on the price they charge at the supermarket, I assumed each cherry was individually inspected on the tree by a grandma who graduated from fruit college before being hand-picked and kissed for
Because why not risk getting massaged to death, the Aescape is an AI powered massage table with two industrial robotic arms to work out all your knots. It has a touchscreen control panel so you can select specific areas to work on, and adjust the pressure and time allotted to
Built by Dutch artists Aat Dirks and Ad Lakerveld, the Pedaalbeest is a pedal-powered walking machine inspired by the kinetic wind-powered Strandbeests created by Theo Jansen. To move forward, you pedal backwards. Is it practical? Absolutely not. It’s still cool though. The way it moves — it reminds me of
Because behind the scenes are often the best scenes, this is footage from a camera attached to a piece of checked baggage at the Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, which has over 20 MILES of automated luggage conveyors in its five terminals. Wow! It’s amazing luggage ever makes it on
Because not everybody has the Hulk-like strength of yours truly, this is a satisfying video of a machine created by JP Botelho that was designed to straighten bent rebar. Is rebar that’s been previously bent as structurally sound as rebar that hasn’t been? I have no clue, do I look
These are a couple video demonstrations of VMECA’s Magic Gripper being used on assembly lines. The Magic Gripper is a line of robotic vacuum powered suction grippers that can grab a row of products as they pass by on a conveyor belt to move to the next stage of a