To demonstrate the precision of its new Microsurgery Assistance Robot, Sony used the device to delicately stitch up a single kernel of corn. What that corn did to require stitches, I’m not sure, but I suspect it involved an accident with one of those spiked corn on the cob holders
This is a video of multi-species (including homo sapiens) chiropractor Dr. Joren Whitley providing an adjustment to a giraffe with a stiff neck to allow its jaw to move the right way to properly chew. Man, if Joren can work his magic on giraffe’s neck he must be a total
This is a video of musician Christian Nolen strumming his guitar while undergoing brain surgery to remove a tumor growing near the hand/motor area of his brain. Doctors needed Christian to be awake and using his hands in order to monitor Christian’s motor control during the operation, and playing the
This is the suite (and sweet) sign for the Women’s Care Specialists for mammograms and ultrasounds in a medical building, who have the very appropriate and presumably intentional suite 800B. Is there also a urologist in Suite P3N15? I doubt it, but what sort of trouble are you having, anyways?
This is a video detailing how contact lenses are manufactured at the DK Medivision factory. There’s nobody explaining what’s happening at any given moment, so you have to sort of figure it out on your own. You know, CREATE YOUR OWN NARRATIVE. From what I could gather, contacts are actually
This is a video of an orthopedic surgeon removing an intramedullary rod (a rod inserted into the medullary cavity of a bone to treat fractures in long bones) from a patient’s femur, swinging a hammer at the thing like he’s trying to take down the wall separating the kitchen from
Ever wonder what it looked like inside a spinning CT scanner? Well wonder no more my curious friend (are you a cat?), because this is a video of exactly that. I always assumed it was just two wizards making a donut shape and pointing their wands at the patient, but
Because it’s nice to listen to people who actually know what they’re talking about for a change (I’m looking at you, Facebook), this is a video from Insider featuring medical toxicologist Dr. Cyrus Rangan rating nine poisoning scenes from movies and shows for realism. Shows and movies include The Princess