Seen here reenacting an all-male redneck version of Titanic, a swamp buggy goes down in the drink attempting to cross a deep mud hole. The only thing that would have made it better is if one of the dudes pulled himself onto a piece of flotsam and wouldn’t let anybody
This is a video of truck lover ‘Miche Mike’ driving a truck that’s been jacked up so high he can’t see “any car smaller than a crossover” immediately in front of it, as evidenced by the Corvette visible through the truck’s front camera, but not windshield. For reference, I can
This is a video from the 2019 (feels like forever ago, doesn’t it?) Monster Jam World Finals in Orlando, Florida of the Scooby Doo monster truck’s winning crowd-judged freestyle run by driver Linsey Reed. And while Scooby might not have helped the gang solve any mysteries, he did do some