This is a video of pool trick shot artist Florian “Venom” Kohler (crazy, I never would have pegged him for a Venom) discussing his skills, and demonstrating how to make a few shots. Florian, the proud recipient of numerous Guinness World Records, estimates he’s invented over 10,000 new tricks, most
Note: Loud bang, like my neighbors when I’m trying to fall asleep. This is some backyard home security camera footage of a pool filter exploding and launching its top when a man turn turns it on (hey you sexy filter, you), sending the piece skyward before it lands in the
This is a video of billiard player Shane Van Boening sinking six balls on the break of a game of ten-ball. The commentators speculate he’s going to make three, but no, he doubles that. For reference, the most balls I’ve ever made on a break is probably two. MAYBE three.
This is a video of a trombonist (notice how I didn’t say tromboner? It’s called maturity) performing in an empty indoor swimming pool. It sounds fantastic. Way better than a trombone played anywhere else, which can typically be described as fart-like. This almost sounds angelic. Like my voice, if all
This is a video from Tiktok user victormendoza193 starring some baseball sized hail splashing down in a pool, making it look like a wave pool somebody turned up to 11. Could you even imagine getting hit by one trying to catch it on your tongue like a snowflake? *in Street
This is a video of a woman in a beautiful pair of red boots living her best life until she mistakes a pool for ground she can walk on and takes an accidental dip. Jesus did it better. Still, that is unfortunate. But only for her, because I felt quite
Dubai is now home to the deepest pool in the world (oceans excluded), the Deep Dive Dubai, a pool that extends 60 meters (196-feet) deep, or about two penis lengths by my own measure. But it’s not just a boring hole, it’s surrounded with a post-apocalyptic waterworld, complete with decrepit
In somebody needs to tell that lady she’s not Jesus news, this is a video of somebody’s grandma walking straight into the pool at a ritzy outdoor wedding reception. Was that the deep end? I like how the clip ends with a waiter walking towards the camera with a pitcher