These are the dashboard warning light pumpkin carvings executed by juggler and entertainer Scott Howard. I like how the check engine blinks. Scott says these are the “scariest pumpkins ever,” but as someone who’s been driving around with their dashboard lit up like a Christmas tree for well over 12,000
This is a video from artist Rudy Willingham, who carved and photographed 80 pumpkins so that they perform Michael Jackson’s Thriller dance when viewed as a stop motion video. That’s cool. Am I going to project this onto a bedsheet in my front yard as my only Halloween decoration this
As part of the 12th Annual PumpkinMania Festival at Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky, this is a video of hundreds of jack-o-lanterns (including one carved with a Chevrolet logo and ‘VROOM VROOM’) lining the steps of the historic Old Morrison administration building at the school. So, who else didn’t know
This is a video of godly gourd carver and 2-time Halloween Wars winner James Hall discussing and demonstrating the techniques (and tools) involved with 13 increasingly difficult levels of pumpkin carving. I learned a lot by watching it. Mostly, that there’s no f***ing way I’m letting James compete in my
This is a video from the Giant Pumpkin Drop at Bauman’s Fall Festival in Gervais, Oregon, featuring a 1,200-pound pumpkin being hoisted 100-feet into the air, then dropped into an inflatable pool. I didn’t expect much, and I got so, so much more. I only wish I’d been there to
This is a video detailing an annual underwater pumpkin carving competition held by the Greater Cleveland Aquarium. This year there were over 30 participants, spending up to two hours underwater carving their pumpkins in full scuba gear. Fun! I mean for them, for me that sounds like a chore. Carving
This is a video from the Oregon Zoo of the park’s resident pachyderms smashing and eating some 1,200 pounds of pumpkins to celebrate the arrival of autumn. You know I actually did something similar on the very first day of fall to celebrate the changing of the season, but in