This is a video of natefromtheinternet popping a balloon full of Heinz ketchup to demonstrate its unique properties. Namely, that it’s a non-Newtonian fluid (a fluid whose viscosity changes depending on the amount of force or pressure applied to it), and, unlike cornstarch and water which becomes almost solid under
This is a video of doctor of evolutionary biology ChuckDarwin (I guess he was cryogenically frozen?) discussing the extra ocelli (Latin: little eyes) some insects have, and their purpose. According to research, the simple eyes only gather information about light and dark, and help flying insects maintain their orientation to
This is a video of “PhD in mathematical physics, leftie, and Trekkie” Dr. Blitz doing his best to explain quantum computing simply in under 3 minutes. Do I understand quantum computing now? Absolutely not. I do think I understand it better than I did, but before I just thought it
This is a deck of cards that, when properly stacked and treated like a flipbook, show a sort of CT style scan of the human body from front to back (available HERE in some sort of quarterly science mystery box). That’s cool. And while the cards have to be in
This is a video from Youtube channel What If detailing the science of what life would be like on Earth if it was somehow shaped like a giant pizza slice. Apparently life would not be that great. Thank goodness it’s shaped like an entire pizza, am I right?! “Tell me
These are two slow-motion videos of a cymbal’s vibration of the pins in a pin art toy after it’s been struck. Man, pin art toys used to be EVERYWHERE in the 90’s. But mostly at Spencer’s. People wouldn’t hesitate to pick one up off the shelf and push their face
These are a couple videos from psychologist Edgar Ciancio, who attached the business end of a garden hose to the cone of a subwoofer to vibrate the water coming out in sync with the sound waves produced. Pretty cool, and I can’t wait to demonstrate this at my next BBQ
This is a video of a flat earther explaining that everybody on earth has their own personal sun (none of us view the same one), that that they’re all only about 50 miles away at any given time (they move away the closer you get like a rainbow), and they’re