After setting up a glass plate with contact microphone attached and spreading birdseed on top, Libby and Marcel of Free To Use Sounds captured the surprisingly soothing sounds of an increasing number of pigeons pecking at (and walking on) the glass. It sounds like a rain storm coming! And you
This is a video of Jake The Nomad’s husky mutt Neptune hanging out by the river and barking then perking up at the echo of his own bark. Who was that?! Somebody is across the river! It sounded like me, but I’m right here! I’m not sure any of my
This is a video of a frog that sounds like a woman screaming that kept nearby homeowners up all night. I can hear why. Although I bet it’s just begging for a kiss so it can turn back into a prince or princess. *shrug* I’d take my chances. I mean
Because cats are forever finding the weirdest sh!t to try (hence the nine lives), this is a video of Brooklyn, New York native feline Ashford repeatedly sticking his paw into a desktop fan. Apparently the sound woke his owners (it’s both incredibly loud and exceptionally unpleasant), which I can only
This is a video from Destin of Youtube channel Smarter Every Day detailing how cicadas are able to make such an ungodly racket, filming their noisemakers at 110,000FPS. Basically, male cicadas have special organs on the sides of their thorax called tymbals. When their muscles are flexed, the tymbals’ ribs
Excitebike: it’s an NES classic, and I spent countless hours trying to build a race track that kept me in the air longer than on the ground. And now somebody has added Arnold Schwarzenegger sound effects to the game. Does that make it even better? Yes. Would my brother always
This is a video of Korean beatbox artist JCOP recreating a variety of sounds his crew makes with different objects, and then everybody going absolutely nuts with celebratory breakdancing moves after each one. My favorites are the guy behind him after the ping pong sounds at 0:15, and after the
This is Part II (Part I can be found HERE) of Youtube channel Just Rolled In’s “My Car Sounds Like” series, featuring malfunctioning vehicles whose owners or mechanics have likened the sound the car makes to something else. Highlights include Rick Flair, a Star Wars Speeder Bike, Chewbacca (how could