This is a video from the Biscuit Basin area of Yellowstone National Park of a hydrothermal explosion (caused when a quantity of hot water flashes to steam in a confined area) blasting boiling water, rocks, and mud into the air, sending tourists scrambling. The National Park Service has closed the
This is some security cam footage from a community park in the St. Louis suburb of Alton featuring a sinkhole opening up beneath an astroturf soccer field and swallowing a light pole, along with about a 100-feet circle of field. Thankfully, the field was not in use at the time
This is a video of two young boys giving their dad a gift he’ll never forget — a surprise bird. Obviously, this was planned by the parents because children aren’t this clever, so really, the father give himself the gift. Not unlike how if I want anything for my birthday,
This is some security cam footage of construction worker Shane Reimche entering the Quick Trip Market just moments before a 4-foot runaway circular saw blade comes flying through the parking lot and embeds itself in the side of the door. He never saw it coming, but dude was just two
This is a video of a safari driver quickly reversing for almost a whole minute to avoid a charging rhino in Africa. Did you know rhinos can hit speeds in excess of 30MPH at full speed? Thank goodness that road was fairly straight. Me? I would have almost certainly backed
This is a clip from the helmetcam of cyclist Edwin Gonzalez Montoya while pedaling in the Hincapie Gran Fondo in Greenville, South Carolina, when a deer leaps over the road, and him in the process. Apparently Edwin wasn’t sure what it actually was until reviewing the video footage. Me? I
Because wasps are the absolute worst, this is a video of one playing ding dong ditch with a video doorbell, ringing the bell then immediately flying away. What a jerk! Knowing wasps, it probably toilet papered their house that very same night. Still, of all the things in the world
This is a video of Nikki Kundanmal filming herself practicing Sixpence None The Richer’s 1997 banger ‘Kiss Me’ when a hawk lands on her balcony railing. Then it casually comes inside to inspect her cereal bowl (that may not actually be cereal, but if she’s anything like me she just