Because poor decision making is a skill honed over many years of doing idiotic sh!t and miraculously not dying because God gets a kick out of watching, this is a video of some DIY’er cutting down a tree with a chainsaw from atop a ladder. Surprising only to himself, the
This is a video of wood expert and Youtuber justinthetrees (who looks a lot like Ted Lasso) tasting seven different breads, each one made with sawdust from a particular tree (cherry, cedar, oak, hickory, black walnut, pine, plus one with no sawdust). He’s then tasked with guessing which tree the
Assembled by photographer Eirik Solheim using still photographs (and audio) he took of a Norwegian forest from the exact same spot over the course of a year, this is a timelapse video of the seasons changing the landscape as time marches on. And time never stops marching, does it? As
Pine trees: it seems like a lot of people have them in their houses this time of year. And to celebrate the evergreen, this is a video from Youtuber Boxlapse of a single seed from a stone pine cone (not your typical Christmas tree) growing into a small, phallic tree
This is a video of a man from (I assume) a completely unlicensed tree removal service almost losing it all in his battle with a tree, and nearly taking his lady helper out with him. Things just keep getting worse! But you know what they say: when the Grim Reaper
Presumably after ignoring the posted signage, this is a clip of a family of tourists in their Nissan Armada painfully passing through the Shrine Drive-Thru Tree at the Avenue of the Giants in Myers Flat, California, scraping the SUV and destroying their sideview mirrors in the process. The 175-foot redwood
In a clear case of God testing one’s faith, this is a video of a fake tree repeatedly attacking a church drummer during a worship song, and the man doing his best to remain devout. I like how the band’s lead singer just carries on, oblivious to the devil working
This is a video of a mother moose (not to be confused with Mother Goose, who would be far less effective at scaring away a bear) repeatedly treeing a black bear nearing her calves. Moose: they’re huge and you don’t want to mess with them. They’re not deer, you can’t