This is a video of Youtuber Kiara’s Workshop constructing a functional Pokéball in real life. Functional as in the top automatically opens and closes and it has a light and sound effects, not functional as in it can convert a monster’s mass into a form of energy small enough to
This is a video of the train station (modeled after the Etchū-Daimon Station in Toyama, Japan) created by 3D environment artist Lorenzo Drago at ArtStation using Unreal Engine 5, which allows creators to scan real-world objects and turn them into assets, unrestricted by polygon count. Some more info straight from
Because life imitating video games imitating life, this is a video of a guy walking around like he’s a character in a video game, and getting stuck on an invisible wall until he pays the gatekeeper to access the area. I’m not sure if this is Twitter user KaoruGans0 (who’s