This is a video of a sweatered, pleasantly smiling gentleman displaying his skills with a metal bo staff. He starts off super slow to demonstrate the hand movements he makes to control the staff before going buck wild and spinning that thing like a pinwheel in a tornado. Honestly, that
Constructed by engineer James Hobson of The Hacksmith, this is a functional replica of the Level 2 Sentry Turret seen in multiplayer first person shooter Team Fortress 2. The turret is built around two Nerf knock-off X-Shot Insanity Motorized Rage Fire guns capable of firing 200 darts/minute and has AI-powered
This is a video of Slow Mo Guys Gavin and Dan teaming up with Scott from Kentucky Ballistics to fire golf balls and other projectiles from a massive punt gun (originally mounted to small boats back in the day for commercial duck hunting). The footage of the golf balls vs
This is a video from Slow Mo Guys Gav and Dan, who teamed up with funlovers Aussies Brett and Scott of How Ridiculous (when Youtube worlds collide!) to fire a bowling ball out of a cannon at 400MPH and directly into a realistic ballistics head, complete with skull. After watching
This is a video of Slow Mo Guys Gav and Dan hanging out with Scott of Kentucky Ballistics and firing his 950 JDJ Fat Mac, the largest sporting rifle in the world (and 1 of only 3 produced). The gun weighs 50 pounds, produces 300 pounds of recoil, and fires
This is a video of PPSS Group’s CEO donning one of the company’s stab-proof vests for a live demonstration at a trade show. The vest is made of a carbon fiber composite, and differs from bulletproof vests which are designed to flatten bullets but can allow a knife blade through.
Developed by defense contractor Onyx Industries, the United States Marine Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) is currently testing a quadruped robot with an AI-powered rifle attached to its back capable of bullseyeing womp rats with the precision of Luke Skywalker in his T-16 back home. Will the future of war
This is a video of the gun-lovers at Kentucky Ballistics firing a 7 bore (internal muzzle diameter, 0.873″) blunderbuss. God, I feel the high seas calling my name just looking at it. But I told myself my life of piracy is over — I’ve settled down now. I do miss