This is a video demonstration of how a roosting bat pees — by flipping to hang upright, opening the floodgates, then giving a good shake before returning upside-down. I didn’t expect the shake, but that’s smart — I imagine there’s nothing worse than dribbling urine in your face after a
This is a video of three marmots participating in a mock battle in the middle of the road. Apparently the animals hold these faux fights to better prepare themselves for defense against actual predators. Does it work? Maybe if they can fend off a wolf with a couple light shoves
This is a video of bird rehabilitator Gary Zammit of Cornwall, England’s Screech Owl Sanctuary and Parkk dressed as a lollipop ghost and feeding an abandoned baby stork with a puppet. That goodness that baby’s eyes are still developing, because that puppet is terrifying. The bird, which was abandoned by
This is a video of multi-species (including homo sapiens) chiropractor Dr. Joren Whitley providing an adjustment to a giraffe with a stiff neck to allow its jaw to move the right way to properly chew. Man, if Joren can work his magic on giraffe’s neck he must be a total
Seen here doing her best Fantastic Ms. Fox impression, this is a clip of Richmond Wildlife Center executive director Melissa Stanley nursing an orphaned baby fox while wearing a fox mask so that the animal feels safe and doesn’t imprint on humans. That way it can later be released back
Because why invest in a pair of drywall stilts (besides safety and dependability) when you have a perfectly good stepladder, this is a video of a construction worker finishing a drywall ceiling with a stepladder between his legs, dancing it around the room as he moves from one area to
This is a video of a man using a milk crate on a rope in order to climb into his raised truck, towing the crate back into the cab behind him after lifting himself into the cockpit. It’s like a booster seat but for getting into a truck, and is
This is a video of musician Christian Nolen strumming his guitar while undergoing brain surgery to remove a tumor growing near the hand/motor area of his brain. Doctors needed Christian to be awake and using his hands in order to monitor Christian’s motor control during the operation, and playing the