This is a video from the 90’s grocery game show Supermarket Sweep of contestant Jeff completely blowing it during the shopping spree round of gameplay, only bringing back a total of $7 in groceries. Granted that’s like $200 in today’s groceries, but still. His wife Barb is none too pleased
This is a video from a woman whose mother made a delicious looking pasta dinner only to realize towards the end of the process that the new olive oil she bought online wasn’t olive oil at all, but olive body wash. I assumed the video was fake at first because
This is a video of caricature artist Saemee Yoon of Waikiki, Hawaii’s Caricature Party sketching a couple and really hitting their insecurities like a wrecking ball. She makes the woman almost entirely teeth, and the man just a giant nose and Adam’s apple. They have a good laugh about it
Because a first day on the job is always chockfull of pitfalls, this is a video of a man tripping down the stairs and accidentally pulling the fire alarm on his first day at a new gig. Those fire doors shut QUICK. I doubt he was fired for the incident,
This is a slow motion clip from a high school basketball game that just keeps getting worse. I’m not sure if God turned the gravity up to 11 or what, but things just keep going wrong. If my kid had been on that team I would have told him it’s
This is a video of a cyclist swerving to avoid a car that blatantly turns right in front of him (I suspect that car does NOT have a ‘Share The Road’ bumper sticker attached) and crashing into the balloon display a worker is setting up. Did those balloons actually help
This is a video of some racing enthusiasts taking a warm-up lap (perhaps TOO warm) on a frozen lake when the lake lets them know it’s not that frozen after all and swallows a couple of the cars. That sucks. I mean for them, I’ve always wanted to see footage
This is a video from Houston, Texas where a broken water pipe is absolutely punishing a Volkswagen Atlas, flooding the entire vehicle so badly that water is pouring out of the back tailgate. And that doesn’t look like clean water. That water has a color to it. And not a