This is a video from the 90’s grocery game show Supermarket Sweep of contestant Jeff completely blowing it during the shopping spree round of gameplay, only bringing back a total of $7 in groceries. Granted that’s like $200 in today’s groceries, but still. His wife Barb is none too pleased
This is a video of feline Ben of Lufingen-Augwil, Switzerland protecting a practice green cup at Golf Augwil from the attempted putts of a golfer. I thought Ben was going to miss that third ball, but he made an incredible late save. PAR DENIED. Should actual golf tournaments have cat
This is a clip of good boy Indy (we named the dog Indiana!) holding a camera in his mouth while playing a game of chase with his owner. During this particular game, his human is doing the chasing, and Indy is doing the effortless avoidance. It’s sweet watching Indy check
Because some people have all the fun (and hot dogs), this is a video of Pablo Rochat (who also made that awesome Hot Wheels hot dog launcher) and a friend playing a game of foosball on top of a grill, using roasting weenies for the players and an aluminum foil
Step into my time machine (take your shoes off first!) and take a trip back to 1986 and Jeopardy’s second season, in which Kathy Harley blows Final Jeopardy by failing to write her answer in the form of a question, losing the game she would have won. That is unfortunate.
According to this NES Tetris game manual that Twitter user vecchitto dug up, these are the names of the various Tetris blocks. And here I’ve been calling them L and backwards L blocks, when they’re actually Blue and Orange Rickys! I should have known. Hero and Smashboy are definitely the
The BRUU Moving Beerpong Robot is a small, wheeled robot designed to hold six 16-oz Solo cups on top and randomly move around the table while you play beerpong, adding an increased level of difficulty to the game. Thankfully, it’s outfitted with sensors so it doesn’t fall off the table
To celebrate his birthday, Moose the chocolate lab had some friends over to the park to bark and chase each other and his owner Hannah Helsel made him a pinata that opens with the pull of a dangling tennis ball, and is filled with even MORE tennis balls. Dogs love