After losing his left eye to cancer, machinist Brian Stanley decided to make lemonade and created a titanium prosthetic with an embedded adjustable color LED flashlight (controlled by waving an RFID ring in front of it) so he can illuminate the darkness wherever he goes (or look like a Terminator).
This is a video of luthier Burls Art making two electric guitars with thin layers of translucent slate, complete with backlit tops so light filters through the stone from behind. That’s beautiful. Too beautiful to smash on stage at the end of a concert? Considering all the time and energy
This is a video from Youtuber and obviously fun guy BionicandtheWires, who hooked up some sensors to a growing oyster mushroom colony to detect fluctuations in electrical activity, which are converted to signals that activate the mushroom’s solenoid-powered bionic arms and play a keyboard. It sounds just as trippy as
To celebrate National Soup Month (yay?), General Mills is releasing limited edition Progresso Soup Drops hard candy every Thursday in January at 9:00AM EST at I’ve already trained my bots for the next release. When you’re sick, nothing is truly more reassuring than Chicken Noodle Soup. So, we thought,
This is the music video for OK Go’s ‘A Stone Only Rolls Downhill’, filmed on 64 separate iPhones and then laid out in a matrix and replayed for a trippy effect. I can’t even imagine the time and effort that went into making the video, but there’s no doubt it
This is a video of Breaking Bad’s Tuco Salamanca competing in the Dalgona Cookie Challenge from the first season of Squid Games…and winning. Albeit not by playing by the rules. Rules, after all, were made to be broken. Bones? Bones were not made to be broken, and certainly not to
Because bad ideas come in all shapes and sizes, this is a video of Youtuber Gregulations constructing a motorcycle version of a penny farthing using a Yamaha YZF-R6 and a bunch of custom built parts. Despite having training wheels, the resulting cycle has deathtrap written all over it, and at
This is a video from filmmaker Tyler Johnson, who modded a cat exercise wheel with an Insta360 camera to capture some unorthodox footage of his cat exercising. Not exactly what I was hoping for from Santa, but I suppose it’s better than coal or taking turns with the reindeer pooping