Because who hasn’t dreamed of piloting their own AT-AT walker through the side of a neighbor’s house, this is a video of engineer James Bruton constructing his own roughly 7-foot tall rideable AT-AT. It moves at a snail’s pace (even slower than in the movies), but I would still proudly
This is a video of Youtuber Frankie Lapenna riding what he touts as “the least likely to be stolen electric bike of all time,” an e-bike that looks like an assembly of high voltage electrical boxes when not in use. The bike lowers itself down on its wheels when parked
Because dream it, and, with enough Youtube views, you can recoup the money it cost to build, this is a video of Youtuber Mr. Ho Thanh Che constructing a UFO inspired jet boat. The flying saucer shaped watercraft is powered by the same sort of motor as a jet-ski, and
This is a video of the host of travel site EYNTK demonstrating how he believes Aerosmith’s ‘Sweet Emotion’ lines up perfectly with the takeoff of most airplanes, from the moment of engine revving to wheels leaving earth. He claims the song works on 95% of the flights he’s taken, and
These are a couple clips of the latest iteration of the Jetson One personal electric VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) vehicle. Apparently they’re happy enough with its current state that the company will begin delivering to customers later this year ($128,000 — no pilot’s license required in the US!). Exciting
This is a video playing the dashcam and drivercam footage simultaneously of a man calmly avoiding what would have certainly been a nasty t-boning. He never even takes his hand off the back of the passenger seat (whatever happened to 10 and 2 or 9 and 3?). That’s pro level
These are a couple videos (including a POV version) of TikTok user aladdin_skylab taking to the skies aboard a real flying (falling) carpet, just like Aladdin in his self-titled movie! The carpet operates very similar to a wingsuit, and the effect is pretty spectacular. Am I going to launch myself
Because dream it and you can achieve it (possibly realizing later it wasn’t the stroke of genius you originally thought it was), Italian biomedical technician and artist Alessandro Tappo spends his free time building unusual bicycles (I nap and play video games). This is an example of one such bike,