A Compilation Of Movie Scenes That Messed Us Up As Children
This is the very appropriately titled ‘This F***’d Me Up as a kid!’, a compilation video of movie scenes predominately from the 80’s and 90’s that were nightmare fuel for kids to watch. Most scary, some heartbreaking. Obviously, the worst of them all has been and always will be– “Artax
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Hovering Apple Spins In Jet Of Compressed Air Until It Explodes, Filmed At 28,500FPS
An apple a day, am I right? “What about them?” Great with peanut butter or cheese, much harder to eat plain. This is a video of Slow Mo Guy Gavin spinning an apple in a jet of compressed air until it explodes, filmed at 28,500 frames/second so he can actually
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Tesla’s Cams Capture Gnarly Rear-Ending
Because keeping your eyes on the road is incredibly difficult for some people, this is some footage from a Tesla Model 3 traveling in Dillsboro, North Carolina of an SUV completely failing to notice traffic is coming to a stop in front of it and nailing a truck from behind
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Busted!: Ferret Caught In Beanbag Chair Spilling Balls Everywhere
Ferrets: they’re right up there with raccoons when it comes to troublemaking. Case in point: this ferret who decided to weasel his way into a beanbag chair and spill the balls everywhere and get himself covered with them as a result of static electricity. Some more info while I rub
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Heartfelt Song About Playing Video Games w/ Awesome Stop Motion Papercraft Video
From musician Jeremy Messersmith’s Mixtape For The Milky Way, this is the music video for ‘Video Games’, a song about growing up playing video games, and still playing video games, and what they meant to him then, and mean now. The music video created by Eric Power is fantastic, featuring
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Nancy Cartwright Performs All The Voices She Plays On The Simpsons In 40 Seconds
This is a video of incredibly talented voice actress Nancy Cartwright performing a taste of all the different characters she plays on The Simpsons in 40 seconds, including Bart Simpson, Nelson Muntz, Data Base, Todd Flanders, Kearney Zzyzwicz, Ralph Wiggum, and Maggie Simpson (who was previously ‘voiced’ by Yeardley Smith,
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Finally, A $150 Musical USS Enterprise Christmas Tree Topper
Because nothing quite captures the spirit of Christmas like Star Trek, this is the Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise Musical Tree Topper With Light. And apparently Trekkies have developed future farming tech capable of growing actual money trees to fruition, because this tree topper costs $150. A cost that, admittedly, made
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‘Everything Looks Awesome In Slow Motion’, A Compilation Video
This is ‘Everything Looks Awesome In Slow Motion’, a video shot by Kuma Films featuring a bunch of different things looking awesome in slow motion. Although, despite that blanket, all-encompassing title, I would argue based solely on the screencap above that cracked and dry fingertips do not actually look that
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