This is some home security cam footage of a boy who was shooting hoops in his driveway when the local high school marching band passes by in the back of a truck and yells for him to shoot, which he does and makes, and they kick off a song to
Because soon the Olympics won’t even have any human competitors, only robots, these are a couple clips of Toyota’s CUE 4 basketball shooting robot at the Olympics sinking a free throw, three-pointer, and half-court shot like shooting fish in a barrel, which is probably a simile it wouldn’t understand unless
Presumably to promote the new Space Jam movie, this is a video of basketballer Tristan Jass performing some sort of spinny over-the-back layup trick-shot that can only be described as “How did he do that?” and “I would have broken both my legs.” Honestly, I think I may have sprained
This is a video of a very good dog repeatedly rebounding the basketball after its owner takes a shot. For reference, my dog Ellie won’t poop on a 30 minute walk because she’s too busy being distracted and trying to eat everything she comes across, then goes almost immediately once