That makes sense, this checks out.
Artist Sculpts Live-Size Catmen Using Actual Cat Hair

What will undoubtedly be considered the greatest opus of Australian artist Jason Sank, these life-size catmen were made using actual cat hair he collected from a groomer. Some more info about these modern Davids while I hack up a furball:

Sank sculpted the fur over chicken wire forms he built based on photographs of himself and a friend in situ.

“I asked a cat groomer—Aristocats Feline Day Spa—to save it for me each month,” Sank told me. “They brush, cut, and vacuum it off. Over the 3 months i worked on the sculptures they supplied me with about a 60 litre tub’s worth of cat hair.”

If you’re interested in a catman of your own, Jason is selling them for $2,000 apiece. Also, I didn’t include any particularly explicit photos on the website, but if you head over to Jason’s Instagram you can see for yourself whether or not he sculpted penises for his catmen. Because he did, and I’d argue that’s worth the $2,000 alone.