This is a video of a man attempting to ride a kid’s slide that can only be described as completely unsafe for adults (and possibly children as well — I’m pretty sure slides are supposed to have such jagged turns and rip a piece of your coat off on the
Because determining which end of your gender reveal hand cannon is up is far more difficult than raising a child, this is a video of a couple attempting to reveal their new baby’s gender and the mom-to-be blasting their existing daughter in the head with an explosion of pink powder.
Note: Make sure the video volume is on. This guy — TikTok user amandaf4338’s husband, who asks his daughter to hold the door open for him while he attempts to bring in all the food in one trip, and proceeds to drop a full drink right in her face, then
This is a short video from Walmart of a young girl dragging her unruly brother (who refused to stand up and walk) through the aisles of the store. Per the girl after dropping him off at her parents’ feet: “You look silly.” Damn, that would have launched me into a
Because the internet just won’t stop spinning (like a ballerina music box when you’re trying to hide from zombies), this is another song reimagined by Youtuber There I Ruined It (previously), this time Drowning Pool’s ‘Bodies’ as a children’s song, a la Kidz Bop. It’s uh, it’s not very good.
Because you’re never too old or too young to not stop believin’, this is a video of a group of Minnesota kindergarteners performing a rendition of Journey’s ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ with lyrics that were rewritten by their teacher Mrs. Tessier with a school and learning theme. You know, those kids
This is a sweet video of a father earning superhero status with his young children (well at least one, another asks what just happened) as they watch him help a stranger out of a ditch by pulling the back of their Nissan Rogue to the ground so they can drive
This is some security cam footage from the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport of a 9-year old riding a baggage conveyor belt into a sorting machine while his family and employees were distracted checking bags. Some more details while I wish I’d done this myself as a child: Airport spokesperson Pat