These are charts of all the movies in the Star Wars saga (the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, and the sequel trilogy) detailing how much screentime each major character got. There’s also a chart at the very bottom with the characters’ screentimes across ALL the movies. I learned a lot
This is a chart detailing the countries with citizens that work the most 8-hour workdays per year. As you can see, Central and South American countries dominate the top three spots. I was surprised to see Costa Rica so high, I thought they were all about Pura Vida and hammocks.
These are two size visualization videos from MetaBallStudio (previously) comparing the sizes of various monsters from popular movie, video game, and book franchises. The first is a side-scrolling comparison with all the monsters lined up, the second is a dynamic video of the monsters moving. Both begin with the diminutive
Seen here looking like a view into the Matrix, this is a chart detailing the most used 4 digit PINs. Obviously, I was more than a little disappointed to not see a burning white dot where 6969 would be. Where is yours on the chart? Like, specifically. You know what,
Note: Chart above has been cut to fit the marquee, scroll down for the whole graphic. This is a graphic created by Visual Capitalist detailing the world’s top 17 grossing media franchises of all time, and the sources of all that money. The order may surprise you. Or it may
This is a world map detailing the most popular children’s cartoon in every country. As you can see, Naruto pretty much rules the planet with 83 countries, followed by Youtube cartoon channel CoComelon with 49. No other cartoon dominates more than a handful of countries, and the U.S. is apparently
This is a short video demonstration of the energy return of a carbon plate running shoe (one with a carbon plate in the midsole designed to increase energy return with each step and reduce fatigue) versus a regular running shoe. That…was a drastic difference. Almost as good as flubber, but
This is a 3D visualization created by Popular Science comparing the weights of Pokemon to real animals that weigh the same to give a better sense of their heft. Some more info to prove somebody actually spent time thinking about this: If Pokémon existed in the wild, which animals would