All those hours are really getting in the way of my napping.
Chart Of Countries That Work The Most Hours Annually

This is a chart detailing the countries with citizens that work the most 8-hour workdays per year. As you can see, Central and South American countries dominate the top three spots. I was surprised to see Costa Rica so high, I thought they were all about Pura Vida and hammocks. The US finished 9th, and certainly not by choice, but because all countries in the EU guarantee workers at least 4 weeks of paid vacation. That said, since COVID and so many people working remotely, I seriously doubt the US is working as many 8 hours days as this chart would lead you to believe. Most people I know working from home put in a solid gelatinous 3, MAYBE 4 hours tops between watching television and running errands, and I’m cashed after 2.